Film 5to7

Film 5to7 by Amie & KunKun

Amie & KunKun

为什么女性导演这么少?或者我们应该问,为什么女性导演没有更被看见,讨论,赞颂?我们的第一个project, 100 Films Directed by Women由此诞生。我们的博客里有更多详细评论: Why aren't there more women directors? Or should we ask, why aren't women directors more watched, discussed, and celebrated? Here at Film 5to7, we will watch and discuss 100 films directed by women! Our blog has all reviews in English: We chose to switch to Chinese for our podcast because we want to add more women's voice in the Chinese-speaking space.

Categories: TV & Film

Listen to the last episode:

恰逢Pride Month,我们聊了聊Sally Potter 1992年的电影《奥兰多》。这部改编自Virginia Woolf 1928年小说的片子放在当下性别议题的语境下,还是给我们带来了很多感慨,尤其是看到最近简中网络上的大面积强制未命名。*讨论有剧透*


其他推荐的电影:Lady Macbeth (2017),Girlfriends(1978)

Previous episodes

  • 2 - 02. Orlando奥兰多 
    Tue, 06 Jul 2021
  • 1 - 01. Nomadland无依之地 
    Sun, 11 Apr 2021
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